About Doctor
Syed M. Zaidi, M.D.
Diplomate American Board of Internal Medicine
Practicing Internal Medicine since 1992
Medical School:
Sindh Medical College, 1990
Internship & Residency :
Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
Affiliate of State University of New York, Brooklyn
St. Vincent's Medical Center, Bridgeport, CT
Affiliate of Yale University School of Medicine
Affiliation with Hospitals, Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes:
West Houston Medical Center, Houston, TX
Memorial Herman Southwest Hospital, Houston, TX
Methodist Hospital, Sugar Land, TX
St. Luke's Hospital, Sugar Land, TX
Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities in Sugar Land and Houston, TX
Medical School:
Sindh Medical College, 1990
Internship & Residency :
Affiliation with Hospitals, Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes: